Cambridge and Ely
On this page you will find local contact information about falls prevention, JET, social services, community respiratory team, breathe easy groups, mental health, community geriatrician, RADAR admissions avoidance, neighbourhood teams, help at home, health and wellbeing network, ambulatory care, step up beds, Carers' Trust, reablement, admissions avoidance team, SAFE and Home Instead.
The contact information on this page is for health professionals only, thank you.
Ambulatory Care – Addenbrooke's Hospital
The Addenbrooke's ambulatory care unit focuses on treating various conditions that would usually have warranted hospital admission. The ambulatory care unit offers easy access to diagnostic tests, hospital consultants and specialist staff in one place.
Telephone: 01223 348314 (appointment enquiries).
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 8pm.
Weekends and bank holidays: 9am to 4pm.
For more information have a look at their website.
Breathe Easy Groups
- Breathe Easy Cambridge
- Breathe Easy Ely
- Breathe Easy March and Fenland
- Breathe Easy Wisbech
- Singing for Breathing (Cambridge)
Contact details can be found on the British Lung Foundation website for each group.
Carers Trust Cambridge
Telephone: 01480 499090 or 0345 241 0954 or email
Provides support to carers, including emergency support. Fully CQC compliant. All referrals, including self referral welcome.
Community Geriatrician
Peterborough – Dr Ruiz-Mendoza
- Works on inpatient units Intermediate Care Unit at City Care Centre, Peterborough and John Van Geest Unit at Stamford Hospital, Stamford.
- Geriatric Liaison Services supporting the Old Age Psychiatric team at Maple wards, Cavell Centre, Peterborough
- Principal investigator in Parkinson’s disease Clinical Trials at Peterborough Hospital
- Supporting Medicine for Older People (MFOP) inpatient wards at Peterborough City Hospital
Ely – Dr. Rhian Simpson
- Works on inpatient units Cambridge Rehab Unit (CRU) at Brookfields in Cambridge and Welney Ward at The Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely. Community sessions supporting the Isle of Ely Neighbourhood Team staff and GP practices. Outpatient clinic at The Princess of Wales and can see patients in their homes, including care homes if appropriate.
- Telephone: 07790 572459 Sec: 01353 772532 (Debbie Bovelle)
- Email:
- Working days Tuesday (am) to Friday or telephone for advice
Community Respiratory Teams
- Huntingdon,
- Fenland
- Peterborough
- South & Central Cambridgeshire
Tel: 0330 726 0077
Our working hours are from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Early Intervention Team
Based at CUH
- Phone: 01223 274752 (main office)/ 01223 348306( SDEC office)
- Mobile number: 0775474 8123 (8 AM - 8 PM)
- Email:
The Early Intervention Team consists of Frailty Specialist Nurses, Therapists (PT/ OT) and Discharge Planning Specialist Nurses.
They offer single referral point for Frailty assessments, Therapy assessments and Discharge Planning assessments to Emergency Department and Medical Assessment Units/ SDEC.
EIT believe in strong multidisciplinary team work, valuing the individual contributions of the team, as well as supporting the wider organisation in understanding and caring for frail older people.
Monday to Sunday from 08:00 to 20:00 (subject to staffing)
Role of the team
- Early Intervention Frailty Nurses will screen patients for frailty markers in ED and initiate Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for moderately frail patients aged 75+ admitted via Emergency Department.
- Early Intervention Discharge Planning Nurses will complete collateral history and facilitate admission avoidance and early discharges from ED/ SDEC. Provides discharge planning support and offer discharge planning assessments (e.g. Fast track, Hospital equipment) to the ED & SDEC wards (EAU4, N2).
- Early Intervention Team Therapists will assess mobility, function and assist with admission avoidance and early discharges from ED and SDEC wards.
- Early Intervention Team works closely with community services and voluntary services to prevent unnecessary admissions.
- Front of House Social workers work with in EIT to support ED with admission avoidance (Mon – Fri)
Refer by calling EIT Mobile Phone number, 8am-8pm
Falls Prevention
NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) Falls Prevention Service
CPFT’s community rehabilitation teams work closely with Healthy You to deliver falls prevention assessments and interventions for patients 65 and over. Both these services are free.
Community Rehabilitation Team:
If a patient is 65 and over, has fallen more than once and is having difficulties managing day-to-day tasks at home, then a GP, community warden, district nurse or another health and social care professional can refer them to a local CPFT Community Rehabilitation team.
This team provide:
- Falls Multi Factor Risk Assessments to identify risks
- Falls Action Plans to help reduce risk of future falls
- Personalised evidence-based home Strength and Balance programmes
- Signposting to other services and community exercise classes
Contact details:
- Telephone: 0330 726 0077
- e-mail:
Healthy You
If a patient is 65 and over, had one or more falls, is managing well with daily tasks and can get out and about, a falls risk assessment by the Healthy You service may be more appropriate. They can also support patients if they haven’t fallen, but feeling unsteady on their feet or are fearful of falling. The Healthy You to help them find the right support.
This team provide:
- Falls Multi Factor Risk Assessments to identify risks
- Falls Action Plans to help reduce risk of future falls .
- Personalised evidence-based home Strength and Balance programmes
- 26 weeks of 1:1 support.
- Signposting to other services and community exercise classes.
Self-referrals accepted.
- Tel. 0333 005 0093
- Email:
- Website:
The right type of exercises is a very effective way to improve strength, balance and confidence. And even if a patient has not had a fall, it’s never too early to start. Click here to see what is on offer in the community:
- Cambridge, South and East Cambridgeshire: Forever Active - Forever Active Cambridgeshire
- Huntingdon: Right Start Active Lifestyles Exercise Classes
- Peterborough: Vivacity Vivacity Peterborough
- Fenland: Active Fenland Active Fenland
Useful resources
- Older people safety – RoSPA
- Avoiding a fall | Elderly fall prevention | Age UK
- Preventing falls | NHS inform
- Staying independent (Adults) | Peterborough Information Network
- Stay Stronger for Longer (Adults) | Peterborough Information Network
- Staying independent - Cambridgeshire County Council
- Stay stronger for longer - Be Well in Cambridgeshire (
- Sit Less Move More Feel good!
Health and Wellbeing Network Cambridgeshire
The Health and Wellbeing Network aims to facilitate collaborative working across Cambridgeshire charity organisations and promote access into the wide range of interventions that the third sector offers.
Telephone 0300 666 0142 or visit their website.
Inpatient Rehabilitation beds - Welney Ward, Princess of Wales Community hospital
Welney Ward
Welney Ward is an inpatient unit providing rehabilitation and palliative care for any patient registered with a Cambridgeshire GP. In the first instance a phone call to the ward will establish if a bed is available or when one may be available.
- Telephone: 01353 772509
- CPFT Welney Ward, Princess of Wales Hospital, Lynn Road, Ely, CB6 1DN
Blood results and a recent medical review are required. Details of medical history should be emailed to:
Referrals are accepted from GPs, JET and Neighbourhood Teams.
Cambridge Rehabilitation Unit
The Cambridge Rehabilitation Unit (CRU) - formerly the Lord Byron wards - is an inpatient facility, providing rehabilitation, long-term condition treatment/management for patients with complex needs. In the first instance a phone call to the ward will establish if a bed is available or when one may be available.
- Telephone: 01223 219220
- Davison House, Brookfields Hospital, Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF
Blood results and a recent medical review are required. Details of medical history should be emailed to:
Referrals are accepted from GPs, JET and Neighbourhood Teams.
Telephone: 0300 123 9996
Urgent two or four hour response service that supports people over the age of 18 with long-term conditions, in their home environment, when they become very unwell and need urgent care, but do not need to go to hospital.
Further information is available on the NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust's website.
7am – 8pm Monday to Sunday.
NHS 111 and select the mental health option
The extension of the NHS 111 service enables callers who are experiencing a mental health crisis to dial the NHS urgent medical advice number, and then select the mental health option will be put through to a member of CPFT’s new First Response Service.
Specially-trained mental health staff will speak to callers and discuss with them their mental health care needs – instead of them having to go to accident and emergency departments of local acute hospitals.
Not available when calling from Wisbech – mental health crisis is triaged as per 111 calls.
Neighbourhood Teams
Neighbourhood teams (NTs) are the physical and mental health care hub of the local community for over 65-year-olds and adults requiring community services. They work closely with GPs, primary care, social care and the third and independent sector to provide joined-up responsive, expert care and treatment.
- Telephone: 0330 726 0077
- Option 3 for Ely and Fenland area.
- Option 5 for Cambridge area.
8am – 8pm - 365 days a year, from 01/12/2017
Community matron, district nurses, integrated care workers, mental health nurses, OT, physio, MDT co-ordinator.
Older People’s Mental Health Service
Referrals can be from any health care professional, though it is usually GPs or with their support.
Criteria – any mental health related concern – could range from memory to hallucinations for a patient registered at a GP Practice within the Cambs, P'boro, Hunts or Ely / Fens region.
We handle routine and high risk referrals (5 day referrals). Referrals of a more urgent nature would go directly to FRS from GP or concerned party.
Prism (under 65s) also offer a patient self refer process through their website.
Telephone: 01480 420178
GP referrals -
Under 65s - through Prism - 01733 748 777
R.A.D.A.R. admission avoidance
Advice and Assessment service for older medical patients.
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
- Telephone 07540 920588 or
- Bleep 157-218 via switchboard – 01223 245151
This line is for health professionals only. Please leave a voice message on the mobile if there is no answer and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Telephone: 01223 703235 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Reablement is a programme of short term support tailored to individual needs, to help re-learn the skills needed for daily living and reduce the amount of care and support required.
Reablement is about helping people to do things for themselves rather than having things done for them. Reablement programmes can last from as little as a few days to a few weeks.
Reablement south:
- Cambridge City
- Sawston
- Ely
Social Services
Emergency Duty Team – OOH – adults/children: Telephone - 01733 234724
Adult Social Care: Telephone - Telephone 0345 045 5202
Children/Young People Social Care: Telephone 0345 045 5203