Care Home Resources
Resources such as guidelines, policies, and e-learning platforms to support Care Homes, General Practitioners, Pharmacy Teams and other primary care prescribers in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS).
The documents in this section are currently being reviewed and remediated into an accessible format. If the document you require, is not available, please contact Prescribing Partnership and request a copy.
We have a dedicated Care Home Medicine Enquiry (CHME) service to support our care homes with structured medication reviews, medicines shortages, new resident medicine queries, discharge medication queries, new admissions, medication storage, waste processes and training on safe use of medicines.
For all care home queries please contact our dedicated secure nhs.net email address. cpicb.prescribingpartnership@nhs.net.
This email account is checked regularly Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm excluding bank holidays.
Any queries received after 4.30pm on a Friday will be addressed the following Monday morning unless it's a bank holiday in which case it will be actioned the following normal working day.
Anything urgent related to medicines which requires a response outside these operational hours, please contact your local community pharmacy or access www.nhs.uk. Alternatively, we will respond to your e-mail upon our return.
Access to free e-Learning platforms and packages will require registration if you do not have an active account.
CPPE - follow this link (e-learning listing : CPPE) for the following training - Suitable for all Pharmacy staff
PrescQIPP e-learning - Suitable for Care home staff