How to get involved
We are committed to consistently listening to and acting on the experience and aspirations of local people and communities.
You can get involved in the commissioning of health services in a variety of ways:
• Healthwatch: there is a local Healthwatch in every area of England and there are three that cover our ICS's area: Healthwatch Cambridgeshire, Healthwatch Peterborough and Healthwatch Hertfordshire. They are independent organisations which listen to people's views and share them with those with the power to make local services better. If you would like to share your experience of a health and care service, or if you have a question on health and social care related matters, get in touch with your local Healthwatch.
• ICS stakeholder list: if you are interested in working with us to develop new and improved local health services, or would just like to be kept informed of the ICS's work, please provide us with your name and contact details which we will store on a secure database.
We also have regular liaison and are constantly developing close working relationships with Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Health and Wellbeing Boards.
Your voice and our Constitution
In our ICS constitution we explain how we will involve people and communities in accordance with our statutory duties.
We have a range of statutory duties we must meet under the Health and Social care Act 2012. Section 14z2 of the Act mean we have a duty to involve people, whether directly or through representatives in:
• planning the provision of services
• the development and consideration of proposals for changes to the way services are provided, and
• decision to be made affecting the operation of services
The constitution explains how we will conduct ourselves as an organisation; proactively seeking engagement with the communities which experience the greatest health inequalities and poorest health outcomes; providing clear feedback on the results of patient and public involvement; and comply with local authority health overview and scrutiny requirements.
Find out more
To get involved with the ICS work please contact the Communications and Engagement Team on 03300 571021 or email us.
Related websites:
• National Association for Patient Participation
• Patient Opinion
• Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
• Healthwatch Peterborough
• Healthwatch Hertfordshire
• Healthwatch Northamptonshire