North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership
We are a partnership that brings together health and social care services across Peterborough, Fenland and Huntingdonshire, to provide an integrated health and care system fit for the future.
Who are we?
Our North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership, like the wider Integrated Care System (ICS), works across health, local authority, voluntary sector, and the wider community. We take collective responsibility for improving the health and wellbeing of residents within our place, with a population of around 575,000. We are one of two Places in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS, the other being the South .
Most people’s day to day care and support needs will be met within a place and delivered through our Integrated Neighbourhoods. These work with smaller population groups of 30,000 to 50,000 people, with Primary Care Networks at their cornerstone.
What are we working on?
The below sets out a number of key priority areas for North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership:
- Integrated Neighbourhoods – the aim is to transition all Primary Care Networks into active Integrated Neighbourhoods, in conjunction with community, acute and social care. The vision is that local care provision should be proactive, in the right place, and make a difference for the local population, by addressing health inequalities and improve outcomes for our patients.
- Community Integrated Hubs – by developing new ways of delivering outpatient services, focusing on ‘one stop’ clinics, surveillance and monitoring and fully utilising new technology and virtual ways of working at Doddington Hospital to significantly improve access to key services within the Fenland area.
- Long Term Conditions & Population Health Management – to improve patient outcomes by ensuring care is fair across the North and delivering care, with partners, which is specific to patients’ needs for long-term conditions using Population Health Management (PHM). The projects within this programme will look to put in place routes and interventions for the prevention and management of long-term conditions for the North covering areas such as respiratory care, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and frailty
- Urgent Community Response - we are working with our colleagues in South Place, and across the ICS to provide a two hour community response for people in urgent need. The aim is to treat people more comfortably in their own home and prevent them going to hospital for care or admission, when they could be looked after at home
These initial areas have come from discussions among all the partners involved in the North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership and will continue and grow over the next few months. We will also be expanding to ensure we include local voices and organisations to co-produce our strategy for the area and make sure it hears your voice and meets local needs.
How do we make decisions?
Our Board sets out our framework and makes key decisions. It is co-chaired by Dr Neil Modha, GP Thistlemoor Medical Centre and Dr Arshiya Khan, Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust. The Board will be responsible for using the available resources to make sure there are fair and equitable services for people living and working in cities and more rurally.
What does this mean for you?
It means that the plans and decisions about health and care are taking place closer to your home. We have a strong philosophy about addressing health inequalities and we are continually looking at ways to bring services and support together to help our local patients.
We want our people to live healthy, resilient and independent lives, with easy access to support and care when needed, as close to home as possible. We will organise proactive and integrated care to local communities which keeps people well, and support people to get the health and wellbeing outcomes that matter to them.
To help us achieve this we are working out what people and local communities need to help them stay well as well as what already works.
This is a two way process, and we want to make sure we hear what is important to you, listen to your thoughts and ideas, and provide opportunities to involve you in decisions about care and support that affects you, your family and neighbours.
Our Get Involved pages provide several options to hear from us, and read about the opportunities available but if you have any specific ideas or suggestions, please contact us.