The documents in this section are currently being reviewed and remediated into an accessible format. If the document you require, is not available, please contact Prescribing Partnership for a copy.
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors and Memantine in Adults
Dependence forming medications opioid deprescribing algorithm
Melatonin prescribing formulary choice
Melatonin Prescribing Support Document Paediatrics
Narcolepsy Guide for Primary Care Practitioners
Orlistat Prescribing and Medication Review Guidelines for Adults
Protocol for the Management of Patients Receiving Sodium Oxybate For Narcolepsy
Cow's milk allergy management pathway in primary care
Cows Milk Allergy Pathway Summary
Food as treatment - for Care Homes
Food as Treatment - Food Toppers
Food as Treatment - Nourishing drinks
Food as Treatment - Meal and Snack Recipes
Food as treatment for primary care - High Risk
Food as treatment for primary care - Medium Risk
Gluten Free Food Policy Leaflet
Guidelines for Malnutrition Management and ONS in Primary care
Ketogenic Diet Therapy Guidance
Letter to patient re infant formula prescribing
Malnutrition action plan - For care homes
Oral Vitamin B Compound and Thiamine Full Prescribing Guidance
Oral Vitamin B Compound and Thiamine Prescribing Guidance Summary
Plant milk alternatives for children under 5 years of age
Prescribing oral nutritional supplements for care home residents
Prescription guide for Thickeners and pre-thickened drinks in primary care for dysphagia
Preterm Infant Formula Pathway
If you need these documents in another format please feel free to contact us: