Children in Care
Children in Care, also known as Looked after Children are children and young people who are under the care of the local authority for a continuous period of more than 24 hours, subject to a care order, or subject to a placement order.
Children in Care, also known as Looked after Children (the term defined in law under the Children Act 1989) are children and young people who are under the care of the local authority for a continuous period of more than 24 hours, are subject to a care order or are subject to a placement order.
The number of children in care has increased steadily each year and is now higher than at any point since 1985. The majority of children and young people are in care as a result of abuse or neglect, although there is an increasing number of separated migrant children and children who have been trafficked from abroad. Some children and young people are in care due to their additional needs and the level of care required to support their health and wellbeing. Care experienced children and young people are more likely to require support with their mental health, development and physical health than their peers. They are more likely to be involved in risk taking behaviour, the youth justice system and have poorer educational attainment. Health professionals must also be mindful of the increased needs of care experienced children and young people which can present during childhood but also into adulthood.
The Designated Doctor and Designated Nurse for Children in Care provide expert knowledge, guidance and oversight to those planning and providing health services for children and young people in care across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and work with Partner agencies across the UK to ensure adequate and timely provision of services for our children in care placed out of county. We have specialist Children in Care Health Teams in both Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who carry out statutory health assessments of all children and young people who are looked after by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Authorities and also for those children placed in the area but other Local Authorities. They offer consultation, advice, and support to promote the health and well-being of looked after children and young people. The teams are made up of consultant paediatricians, specialist nurses and administrators. Should you need more information about the teams or require their contact details, please use the links below: