GP Resilience
Find out about GP Resilience funding.
Find out about GP Resilience funding.
In 2021/22, C&P CCG was able to support local vulnerable practices using a combination of the National GP Resilience Funding allocation, subsidised by some additional underspend from other Primary Care budget lines.
For 2022/23 NHS Cambridgshire & Peterborough (ICB) plans to utilise this fund where we know it is needed, to provide a package of support and/or financial assistance to practices. All applications for financial assistance are managed in line with the CCGs Local Discretionary Funding Policy.
All discretionary funding awards made under section 96 are non-recurrent and are underpinned by a Memorandum of Understanding. This funding mechanism can be useful in supporting a short-term solution to help stabilise practices and to ensure continued access to services for patients, whilst working with the practice to agree a longer-term sustainable plan to address any ongoing pressures.
If you believe your practice may be at risk of continuing to be able to deliver safe and sustainable patient care, and would benefit from some short-term financial support, then please contact the Primary Care Team via capccg.primarycare@nhs.net
The overall aim of the GP Resilience Fund is to deliver a wide menu of support that will help practices to become more sustainable and resilient, better equipping them to tackle the challenges they face now and in the future.