Healthier You Diabetes Prevention Programme
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is a national scheme set up by NHS England. Find out more about this scheme here.
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is a national scheme set up by NHS England. Find out more about this scheme here.
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is a national scheme set up by NHS England. It is a free behaviour change programme aimed at patients who have been identified as at risk of developing diabetes (patients with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia). This tailored healthy nutrition and exercise support programme aims to delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. It is provided locally by Thrive Tribe.
You can refer your patients individually by:
1) Informing patients of their NHS number, HbA1c result and date (within the last 12 months) so that the patient can contact Thrive Tribe via www.healthieryou.org.uk
2) Completing a referral form through your GP Practice system (SystmOne/EMIS) and emailing this to healthier.you@nhs.net
Documents will be available soon
The programme is available in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Polish, French and Spanish. However bespoke groups (eg Lithuanian or Romanian) can be organised if there is demand.
Documents will be available soon