Fenland/South Fenland – Launched on 5 October 2022.
Wisbech – Initially launched pre-Covid-19 on 9 July 2019 with a refresh launch on 3 October 2022.
Dementia: This project is to enhance the awareness, support and services available for people with dementia, their carers/friends and family across Fenland collaborating with Integrated Neighbourhood colleagues and wider stakeholders. The project aims to:
Dementia survey: Local health services, voluntary organisations and the council in the Fenland area were keen to hear from people affected by memory problems and their carers, in a dementia survey. North Care Partnership and Alzheimer’s Society came together to speak to people in Fenland to find out more about their experiences of health and wellbeing support to help improve services in the future. Please find the results of this survey in the reports below
1. Frailty and Falls – Doddington Falls Prevention Day introduced November 2022. Rob Murphy, North Place, Programme Director at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, said, “We’re thrilled to launch this new service to support our older population in Fenland villages and towns. Having the service in Doddington means that we are in the community which is easier to get to than a trip into a city.
“We hope the classes will help to give people more independence and confidence, reduce worry about falling and give people more strength and stability.”
2. Young people
A Cooking at Home Programme is in development with approximately 30 families to take part. This programme will support in educating participants on how they can cook healthy meals on a budget and provide them with basic cooking and numeracy skills. This Cooking At Home film shows more about the programme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2A9G8z_3T0
The four cohorts the project group agreed to engage with are:
Carers – Integrated Neighbourhood team are setting up a Carers Group in Wisbech – information will be shared in the future.
People from Eastern Europe – Online registration is available at North Brink Practice based on feedback from this group of people and can be easily translated using Google Chrome services. This will be available at all other Wisbech GP practices in due course. The PCN You Tube channel contains some translated videos about Cervical Screening and Child Immunisations.
Homeless/rough sleepers – a six-month pilot project extends the work underway with The Ferry Project with a focus on rough sleepers.
Secondary schools – a survey was undertaken with pupils of one of the schools in Wisbech and is being extended to all schools now.