Safeguarding people
Find out more about safeguarding in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
Single Point of Contact – cpicb.safeguardingpeople@nhs.net (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm)
The single point of contact can be used for all safeguarding concerns and/or queries, however we do not accept safeguarding referrals.
If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult and need to complete a safeguarding referral – please complete the relevant online Safeguarding Referral Form (child or adult) as below.
If you have concerns pertaining to a professional working with children, then further information and referral details can be found on the Safeguarding Partnership Board website.
If you have concerns regarding domestic abuse/ sexual violence; please see the following page: Cambridgeshire County Council DASV Partnership - Make a Referral (cambsdasv.org.uk). Within the link, there is a referral form for Health IDVA’s who accept referral at any level of risk.
This platform is designed to provide a range of learning and informative sessions. There are a variety of sessions available to view that have been delivered in collaboration with partners across the Eastern region. Visit eastsafeguardinglearningplatform.co.uk for more information.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board offer a wide variety of safeguarding training that covers a diverse range of subjects, which supports the development of practitioners in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who work with children, young people and vulnerable adult's. Training is delivered through a blended approach with face to face training and e-learning courses available. Find out more by visiting their website.
Safeguarding Children Toolkit: The RCGP Child Safeguarding Toolkit, provides busy practitioners with an easily navigable resource to ensure excellence in safeguarding practice in Primary Care. The toolkit can be used by any general practice in the UK and can be found on the Royal College of General Practitioners website.
Safeguarding Adults Toolkit: RCGP Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm Toolkit: Social care takes the lead in adult safeguarding but primary care is key in identifying adults at risk, and therefore reporting abuse or potential abuse to the local safeguarding adults team.The toolkit can be used by any general practice in the UK and can be found on the Royal College of General Practitioners website.