It All Counts - Hydration
Information, guidance and training resources.
Communications and Training Resources
Good hydration is essential for everyone and is an important part of aging healthily. If a person doesn’t drink enough, they can become dehydrated which can lead to health issues such as urinary tract infection (UTIs) and can cause confusion in older people, this can increase the risk of other health issues such as falls.
Our priority is to support care homes, domiciliary care providers and hospitals to ensure all staff have access to up-to-date, informative and easily accessible information, guidance and training resources.
We have recently launched a system wide hydration campaign called ‘It All Counts’ that aims to raise awareness of the importance of hydration, particularly in those over the age of 65. It focuses on local people and communities and those who care for them including social and healthcare staff.
On this page you will find a range of helpful communications materials, the latest guidance and training resources.
You can also contact a member of the Infection Prevention and Control Team at cpicb.ipc@nhs.net