Let’s Talk: Royston toolkit
We’ve launched the first phase of Let’s Talk: Royston to encourage local people to have their say about local healthcare provision in Royston and the surrounding area. To ensure as many local people are possible share their views and insights before 11 August 2023, we are asking you all to please share these assets on your channels.
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Do you live in or near Royston? @CambspboroICS want to hear from you as part of Let’s Talk: Royston! Complete a short survey via https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston or visit https://www.cpics.org.uk/lets-talk-royston to find out more. |
White speech bubble against dark blue backdrop showing the Let’s Talk: Royston logo. Have your say by 11 August. |
If you live in or near Royston, @cambspboroics wants to know about your experience of local healthcare. Please take part in #LetsTalkRoyston by 11 August 2023 by filling in a short survey. Visit https://www.cpics.org.uk/lets-talk-royston to find out more. |
Green speech bubble that reads: Have you found it difficult to get a healthcare appointment? |
Please help @cambspboroics shape the future of healthcare services in Royston by having your say through #LetsTalkRoyston. Visit https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston to fill in a quick survey, or https://www.cpics.org.uk/lets-talk-royston to find out more. |
Purple speech bubble that reads: Did you have a positive experience when you used health services? |
Please join the conversation about local healthcare provision in Royston. Take part in #LetsTalkRoyston by 11 August by filling in a quick survey via https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston. | ![]() |
Red speech bubble that reads: what are your hopes for future health and care in Royston? |
Have you had your say yet as part of #LetsTalkRoyston? @cambspboroics wants to know what you think about local healthcare provision. Visit https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston to fill in the survey or find out more via https://www.cpics.org.uk/lets-talk-royston. | ![]() |
Features photo of a nurse holding the hand of a patient, smiling at one another. Text reads: Have your say about healthcare in Royston |
There’s still a few weeks left to have your say as part of #LetsTalkRoyston! If you live in or near Royston, please share your thoughts about local healthcare via https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston. | ![]() |
Features photo of an older lady holding the arm of a clinician, smiling. Text reads: have your say about healthcare in Royston |
One week to go until phase one of #LetsTalkRoyston ends. There’s still time to have your say about local healthcare – visit https://bit.ly/LetsTalkRoyston to share your thoughts by 11 August 2023. | ![]() |
Features photo of a lady standing in a pharmacy, smiling and holding a clipboard. Text reads: Have your say about healthcare in Royston |
Website article
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS), is working together to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston. People like you, who live or work in our area, are at the centre of their work – so NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough wants to hear from you as part of Let’s Talk: Royston.
If you live in or near Royston, please take the time to share your views about local healthcare provision by completing a short survey by 11 August 2023. Find out more, including how to get a paper copy of the survey, by visiting https://www.cpics.org.uk/lets-talk-royston.
A poster can be downloaded via Let's talk Royston - poster.pdf