Our Mission
Our Integrated Care System (ICS) looks after around one million people across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston. You can use this webpage to learn more about what we do.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) is a partnership of local authorities, voluntary, community and social sector organisations, and NHS organisations, working together to support the health and wellbeing of one million people living in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston. Collectively, our mission is:
All together for healthier futures – working together to improve the health and wellbeing of our local people throughout their lives.
Our mission is backed up by clear ambitions and priorities. These ambitions and priorities feed into our Joint Forward Plan, covering the next five years, and our operational plan for 2023/2024. Together these plans set out what we will do that will enable us to achieve our mission.
Supporting communities
Our primary role is to care for the health and wellbeing of our local people, but we know that we can offer more than that to our local communities. We collectively employ thousands of people, we manage a range of buildings across the area and we work hard to improve our sustainability – all of which we know can contribute directly to the wellbeing of the communities we serve. Which is why we take our role as an ‘anchor system’ very seriously.
As a partnership, we will look beyond those things traditionally considered as being part of health and care, to understand the range of other factors that impact people’s ability to live as healthy a life as possible. This includes things like housing, infrastructure, and education.
Case study: Warm hubs
Ahead of winter 2022/2023, our ICS gave District Councils funding for projects that reduce health inequalities. This funding was used by voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations as well as local authorities to develop services that would meet the needs of local communities close to their homes.
The winter of 2022/2023 was a tough season for many people in our area, as the cost of living rose significantly. To support people to deal with these rising costs, we worked with partners and used the new health inequalities funding to set up 38 warm hubs in our area. People could come to each of these hubs to stay warm, and to learn more about health and wellbeing, as well as to get advice about bills and finance.
During winter, over 16,500 visits were made to the area’s 38 warm hubs – with around 10,900 people being regular visitors. 100% of regular attendees said that coming to the warm hubs was helping them get through winter. Research carried out by Cambridgeshire ACRE also estimates that £4.50 of social value was generated for every £1 invested in the warm hubs.
We will work with health and care organisations, local authorities, our amazing voluntary and social enterprise sector and local people and communities to create solutions together.
You can read more about our work to achieve our mission by using the buttons below.