Healthy Ageing
Helping you live well for longer
What does 'Frailty' mean?
Frailty is a term often used to describe someone’s resilience and how quickly they are able to recover following health problems or accidents. Being frail means that a relatively minor health problem, such as a urinary infection, can have a significant impact on someone’s health. Severe frailty increases the risk of further ill health, future hospitalisation, or care home admission by over four times for people who are severely frail.
Around 10% of people aged over 65 live with frailty. This figure rises to between 25% and 50% for those aged over 85.
Many of the factors that cause people to age differently and become frail can be influenced by preventative healthcare, lifestyle choices and exercise. Prevention and early intervention are key to enabling people to age well and live a full and independent life throughout old age.
It is important that people living with frailty have access to well-planned, joined-up care to prevent problems arising in the first place and a rapid, specialist response should anything go wrong.
The directory of services available below, provides contact details for organisations in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, which can provide help and support to those living with frailty and their families and carers.
Early Intervention and Support
The Joy Prescribing App
The Joy Prescribing App:
The Joy App provides a comprehensive list of community services available across the region, which is updated in real time. This includes exercise, care at home, hospital discharge and mental health support.
Areas of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
The website is accessible 24/7 and will give the services hours of operation
Referral Criteria:
Open to health and social care professionals and patients.
Who can refer:
Referral criteria for individual services are specified on the app.
Contact Details:
For more information, please visit the Joy | Social Prescribing Software (thejoyapp.com) website
The Care Network - Help At Home
The Care Network 'Help at Home' service offers hospital discharge support, as well as practical and emotional help to increase confidence and independence.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Criteria:
Patients discharged from hospital or experiencing illness or crisis at home.
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional.
Contact Details:
- Cambridge, South and East Cambs - 01223 714433
- Huntingdonshire and Fenland - 01354 694413
- Peterborough - 01954774800
For more information, please visit the 'Help at Home - Care Network' website.
British Red Cross Support at home
British Red Cross Support at home:
Providing transport home and supporting hospital discharge. This service can help with everyday tasks e.g. picking up medicines and shopping.
Areas of Delivery:
Peterborough only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday
10.00 - 18.00
Referral Criteria:
Patients requiring additional support to enable discharge from hospital.
Who can refer:
Healthcare professionals
Contact Details:
Tel: 0345 0547171
For more information, please visit the 'Support at home Peterborough' Website.
Age UK
Age UK:
Offering information, advice and a wraparound service, delivering practical support at home. This includes befriending, warden services, day services and friendship clubs.
Areas of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 16:30
Referral Criteria:
Anyone over 60 years old.
Who can refer:
Self referral or health and social care professional.
Contact Details:
Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602
More information, please visit the 'Age UK' website.
Age UK Hospital discharge and admission avoidance:
Age UK Hospital discharge and admission avoidance:
Supporting older people in their homes post discharge or to avoid admission. The service will support in facilitating furniture moves, key safe fits etc
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 16:30
Referral Criteria:
Anyone over 60 years old.
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional.
Contact Details:
Email: HDsupport@ageukcap.org.uk
Tel: 01354 691896
For more information, please visit the 'Age UK - Hospital Discharge and Admission Avoidance' website.
PCC and CCC Home Improvement Agencies and Handyman:
PCC and CCC Home Improvement Agencies and Handyman:
Provides services to owner occupiers, social rented tenants and privately rented tenants including Lifeline and adaptations through disabled facility grants, repairs through Repairs Assistance Grants and Works.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Criteria:
Elderly, vulnerable people or those with disabilities.
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional.
Contact Details:
Email 1: hia@cambsla.org
Email 2: careandrepair@peterborough.gov.uk
Peterborough Tel: 01733 863895
Cambridge Tel: 01954 713330
For more information, please visit the 'PCC and CCC Home Improvement Agencies and Handyman' website
Care and Repair West Norfolk (Fenland):
Care and Repair West Norfolk (Fenland):
Helps clients to maintain and repair their homes.
Area of Delivery:
Fenland area only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Criteria:
Households occupied solely by vulnerable people over 65 years old.
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional.
Contact Details:
Tel: 01733863860
For more information, please visit the Care and Repair (careandrepair-wn.org) website.
Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Safe and Well Visits:
Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Safe and Well Visits:
Provides free visits to the homes of vulnerable residents to offer advice on keeping safe and well at home.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday
Times TBC
Referral Criteria:
Any Cambridgeshire resident considered vulnerable
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional.
Contact Details:
Tel: 0800 917 9994
For more information, please visit the Home fire safety (cambsfire.gov.uk) website.
Care Network Cambridgeshire Community Navigators:
Care Network Cambridgeshire Community Navigators:
The Community Navigators offer support, information and guidance to help adults in Cambridgeshire to effectively access local support and activities.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 -17:00
Referral Criteria:
Any Cambridgeshire or Huntingdonshire resident considered vulnerable
Who can refer:
Self referral or social and health care professional
Contact Details:
- Cambridge - 01223 300460
- East Cambs - 01353 659639
- Fenland - 01354 695208
- Huntingdonshire - 01480 775493
- South Cambs - 01954 212100
For more information, please visit the www.care-network.org.uk website
Falls prevention and Support
CPFT Neighbourhood Team
Falls Prevention CPFT Neighbourhood Teams:
Services include integrated support workers, District Nurses, Community Matrons, Occupational therapists and Physiotherapists. Training and coordination of falls assessments can also be provided.
Areas of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday
08:00 - 16:00
Referral Criteria:
65+ who has had one or more falls in the last 12 months and are not independent with their activities of daily living.
Who can refer?:
Social and Healthcare professionals
Contact Details:
Email: Communityrehabservice@cpft.nhs.uk
Tel: 03450455202
For further information, please visit the webiste here.
CPFT Enhanced Falls Prevention Service
CPFT Enhanced Falls Prevention Service:
Integrated multifactorial falls risk assessments (MFRA) which incorporate an evidence-based Home Hazard Assessment into the standard MFRA used by CPFT.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Fenland area only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday
08:00 - 16:00
Referral Criteria:
Cambridgeshire residents who are 65 or older, who have had two or more falls in the last 12 months, and or have been admitted to hospital as a result of a fall.
Who can refer:
GPs, acute hospitals, care homes and voluntary sector. Self-referral for occupational therapy only.
Contact Details:
Email: Communityrehabservice@cpft.nhs.uk
Tel: 03450455202
For more information, please visit the 'Falls Prevention Service' website.
Health Falls Prevention and Health Trainer Service:
Healthy You - Health Falls Prevention and Health Trainer Service:
This service forms part of the integrated community falls prevention pathway with CPFT and offers multi-factorial risk assessments for people who are independent with ADLs, followed by appropriate referral for interventions. In addition, it offers a free, 24 week programme of group strength and balance classes (Falls Management Exercise programme, FaME).
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - Countywide community clinics - within the local authority boundaries of Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 -17:00
Referral Criteria:
Criteria for a multi-factorial falls risk assessment: One or more falls in the last year and able to manage activities of daily living (with or without support). Criteria for the FaME programme: Have become increasingly unstable on their feet in the last year and able to manage activities of daily living (with or without support).
Who can refer?:
Health and social care professionals
Contact Details:
Tel:0333 005 0093 or text Healthyu to 60777.
Doddington Falls and Frailty Prevention service;
Doddington Falls and Frailty Prevention service:
Forms part of the integrated community falls prevention service.
Area of Delivery:
Fenland area only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Criteria:
Criteria for a multi-factorial falls risk assessment: One or more falls in the last year and able to manage activities of daily living (with or without support). Criteria for the FaME programme: Have become increasingly unstable on their feet in the last year and able to manage activities of daily living (with or without support).
Who can refer:
Health and social care professionals
Contact Details:
Tel: 0333 005 0093 or text Healthyu to 60777
For more information, please visit the 'Healthy You' website.
Fenland Falls Prevention service:
Fenland Falls Prevention service:
Offers assessment and exercise programmes
Area of Delivery:
Fenland area only
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Criteria:
Anyone 65 years old and over, living independently and able to get to Doddington Community Hub.
Who can refer:
Health and social care professionals
Contact Details:
Tel: 0333 005 0093 or text Healthyu to 60777.
For more information, please visit the 'Fenland Falls Prevention Service' website.
Advice and Guidance
Radar: Advice line for Health Professionals
GP Advice line for patients who are at risk of hospital admission or deterioration while awaiting standard outpatient review.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire - Addenbrookes ED
Hour of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
Referral Critiera:
Adult patients who are at risk of hospital admission or deterioration.
Who can refer:
GP and ambulance services.
Contact Details:
Tel: 07540 920588
Arthur Rank Hospice Palliative Care Hub:
Arthur Rank Hospice Palliative Care Hub:
A 24-hour specialist phone service for adults with life limiting illnesses in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, supported by the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
24 Hour a day, 7 days per week
Referral Criteria:
Anyone requiring specialist palliative care advice or support
Who can refer:
Patients, relatives, friends and social and healthcare professionals
Contact Details:
Dial 111 and select the “Palliative and End of Life Care” option
For more information, please visit the 'Palliative Care Hub' website.
Alzheimer's Society Dementia Intensive Support Team:
Alzheimer's Society Dementia Intensive Support Team:
This service offers information, practical guidance and support to anyone who has been affected by dementia.
Areas of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
The Dementia support line is open:
- Monday to Wednesday - 09:00 - 20:00
- Thursday to Friday - 09:00 – 17:00
- Saturday to Sunday - 10:00 – 16:00
Referral Criteria:
Anyone suffering or affected by Dementia
Who can refer:
Patients, relatives, friends and social or healthcare professionals
Contact Details:
- Dementia Support Line - 0333 150 3456
- Cambridgeshire Dementia Support Team - 01223 620962
- Cambridgeshiredementia@alzheimers.org.uk
- Peterborough@alzheimers.org.uk
Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Forum
Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Forum:
Direct support for people worried about their memory or affected by dementia
Area of Delivery:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Hours of Operation:
- 9am-8pm Monday to Wednesday
- 9am-5pm Thursday and Friday
- 10am-4pm Saturday and Sunday
Referral Criteria:
Anyone suffering or affected by Dementia
Who can refer:
Patients, relatives, friends and social or healthcare professionals
Contact Details:
Tel: Dementia Connect Support Line - 0333 150 3456
Tel: Cambridge Team - 01223 620962
Email: cambridgeshire@alzheimers.org.uk
For more information, please visit the 'Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Forum' website.