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Be breast-aware

A local GP and clinical lead for cancer is calling on all people in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough to be aware of the main warning signs of breast cancer, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The first sign of breast cancer that people notice is often a physical change in their breasts or chest area. This can take the form of a lump or an area of thicker tissue, a change in skin texture, a change in the overall shape of the breasts or chest, swelling in the armpit or around the collarbone, changes in the appearance of the nipple, or clear or blood stained discharge. People may also feel a pain in their breast.
Most of the time, breast pain is caused by a condition other than cancer – but if you do feel a pain in your breasts or chest, please get it checked out by a medical professional. It’s important not to ignore any symptoms that could be a sign of breast cancer.
Breast cancer can be caught sooner if people are familiar with their breasts or chest area. That’s why Dr Stuti Mukherjee, clinical lead for cancer with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and a local GP, is encouraging everyone in our area to learn how to check their breasts or chest area regularly.
Whilst women are more at risk of developing breast cancer, the illness can also affect men. We can all do our bit to help catch cancer early by regularly feeling and looking at our chest. This doesn’t have to take long – you can simply check your breasts or chest whilst you’re showering or bathing, lying in bed, or even whilst you’re watching a film on the sofa.
If you do spot something unusual, please contact your GP practice right away. Most changes to your breasts will be caused by something other than cancer. But if it is cancer, it can usually be treated better if it’s caught early.
Dr Stuti Mukherjee, clinical lead for cancer with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, said:
“Breast cancer can affect anyone – regardless of your gender, age, or cultural background. This Breast Cancer Awareness Month we want to encourage everyone in our area to get more breast-aware.
“You’ll be better able to spot any changes in your breasts or chest area if you’re familiar with what your body normally looks and feels like. So please take a few minutes to get up close and personal with your breasts this October – it could save your life.”
Top tips on how to check your breasts or chest, and what to look out for, can be found on the NHS website via: How should I check my breasts? - NHS (www.nhs.uk). National charity CoppaFeel! has a helpful free ‘self-checkout’ tool which walks you through each step of the process. You can access the self-checkout via self-checkout.coppafeel.org.