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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
Bangladeshi Health Fair

Following on from the successful Diabetes Wellness Day in March it was noted that members of the Bangladeshi community were in low attendance.
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum (CECF) and the Karim Foundation, with the support of Cambridge City Primary Care Network, South Integrated Care Partnership and Cambridge City Council, planned a follow up targeted event
16 local health and care organisations attended, as well as community translatorsm to offer people access to a wealth of information and resources on healthy living. Many people had NHS health checks and diabetic eye screening on the day. Some attendees also enjoyed exercise tasters – plus a healthy and delicious lunch!
Shahida Rahman from co-organisers the Karim Foundation, said: “A big thank you to all our partners and attendees for making the health fair a huge success. This event was very much about building positivity, raising better awareness of health and care services and some of the health issues affecting our local communities, and how to get the support that people are looking for
A short film has been produced to highlight the day.