Chair Designate of the new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board announced | News and events


Chair Designate of the new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board announced

Dark blue background with the ICS heart logo, and green, pink and blue dots.

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) is pleased to announce that John O’Brien has been appointed as Independent Chair Designate of its new Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Photo featuring John O'Brien, smiling at the camera. Responsible for improving the health and wellbeing of local people and communities, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS brings together local health and care organisations, local councils, and voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to improve population health and tackle health inequalities.

The proposed Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) will oversee the commissioning, performance, financial management and transformation of the local NHS, as part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS).

Well-equipped to take on this new role, John brings with him a wealth of experience of working in both the public and private sector. This includes time spent as Director of Local Government Performance and Practice at the Department of Communities and Local Government (formerly Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) and most recently as Chief Executive of London Councils, a role he held until earlier this year.

Commenting on his appointment, John O’Brien said: 

“I am delighted to have been appointed as Independent Chair Designate for the new Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board. I already know that we will be building from a strong  base, with all of the partners  committed to working together to improve the health and wellbeing of our local people throughout their lives. 

“We have a rare opportunity to develop health and care together, tackling health inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of almost a million local people. I look forward to meeting more of our partners in the coming weeks and developing a long-term strategy that puts our local people and communities at the heart of everything we do.”

John will take up his post as Chair of the Integrated Care Board formally from April 2022, subject to Parliament confirming the current plans.

Speaking as the Interim Chair of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, Mike More commented: 

"I'm delighted to see John take on the role of Chair. Having worked with him as a colleague in London I know he will do a great job in taking us all forward in improving health and care and in ensuring that all local organisations and communities work well together in this goal. We will work closely together over coming weeks to effect a smooth transition."

John’s appointment was recommended by NHS England and NHS Improvement, and agreed by the Secretary of State, following an open and robust national recruitment process. 

The news has been welcomed by Ann Radmore, East of England Regional Director at NHS England and NHS Improvement, who said: 

“I would like to congratulate John O’Brien on his appointment. He has wide experience working in senior roles in central and local government. Insight that will be invaluable in bringing together the range of organisations necessary to deliver excellent health and social care services to the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”

The next step for the ICB is to recruit Chief Executive Officer Designate, with the national recruitment process for this well underway. The successful candidate for the role is due to be announced later this year.


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