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Free 12-week health course

A free 12-week activity course that has positively changed people’s lives is now being offered at Soham, Littleport and Bottisham.
Active for Health is being offered to people over 18 who struggle with exercise and have a body mass index (BMI) of over 25.
The course is designed to help people improve their fitness, learn new skills, meet new people and ultimately improve overall wellbeing.
The first cohort which took place at Littleport Leisure earlier this year was fully booked. The course is being run by East Cambridgeshire District Council with support from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board.
Comments taken from participants included:
“This has given me confidence in doing classes and going to the gym. Before I would have worried that people would look at me and think she’s old, unfit and over-weight. But this has made me less self-conscious of exercising now.”
Another woman added: “I was told by doctors that I would struggle to get pregnant because I was too unfit, my BMI was too high, I was overweight, etc, but I have now conceived – it’s changed my whole world.”
A third participant said: “I’m gutted it’s finished, we plan to continue to get together to come to the gym or play badminton.”
Based on its success further courses are now being offered at:
- Ross Peers Sports Centre in Soham, starting Wednesday 6 March from 6pm-7pm
- Bottisham Sports Centre, starting Thursday 4 April from 6.30 – 7.30pm
- Littleport Leisure Centre, starting Monday 8 April from 6pm-7pm
Once signed up for the 12-week course, each participant will receive a free 12 week offer to use the associated leisure facility subject to eligibility criteria.
Sophie Dalpra, Healthy You Active Lifestyles Co-ordinator, based at the council, said: “These courses are open to anyone who has a BMI of over 25 who struggles to fit in more than 150 minutes of exercise a week.
“The first cohort in Littleport has really proved to be a game changer for so many people. Often it is just about having the confidence to access services that so many people believe are not open to them. That is just not the case. Leisure services are there for the benefit of everyone and really do have the ability to change lives. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about making healthier lifestyle choices to get in touch and find out more about these friendly and supportive classes.”
For more information visit East Cambridgeshire District Council’s website.