Health & Wellbeing Day | News and events


Health & Wellbeing Day

COVID-19 vaccinations: Vaccinators on tour will be with us, providing COVID-19 1st and 2nd doses, and boosters for those eligible. Childrens immunisation record check: Check your child's up to date on their vaccinations and recieve advice on the childhood vaccination schedule. Bring their red book if you have it. General lifestyle advice: Information and advice on how to make changes to your lifestyle: including how to access available support programmes. Free NHS health MOTS: Pop along to have a free NHS general health check There's no need to book an appointment; just pop in and say hello. Visit our website for further details:

Free NHS Health & Wellbeing Day to Support Healthy Lifestyles in Melbourn

A health and wellbeing day, offering NHS and lifestyles services is being held, on Sunday 8 January, at The Melbourn Hub, a thriving community centre supporting local residents.

Hosted by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS), the health and wellbeing day is open to everybody between 10am and 3pm. There will be a vaccinations service supported by Cambridgeshire Community Services, providing walk-in COVID-19 jabs and boosters to anyone eligible aged 5 and over; flu vaccination will also be available for eligible adults aged under 65.

The school-aged childhood immunisations team, hosted by Hertfordshire Community Services, will also be there to provide routine catch up vaccinations for 5 to 16-year-olds; parents/carers will have been contacted by the team in advance of the day.

Local GP and Chief Clinical Improvement Officer at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, Gary Howsam, said:

“The team at The Melbourn Hub has been a fantastic support with helping us to protect the community against COVID-19 by holding vaccination clinics. So, we look forward to hosting this weekend’s health and wellbeing day there and thank them for everything they have done in the run up to the event.”

People can also come along to have a chat with the Healthy You team, who will be there to give weight management advice, NHS health checks and health MOTs.


The Melbourn Hub’s address is: 30 High St, Melbourn, Royston SG8 6DZ

With wheelchair facilities and free car parking, anybody who’d like to attend the NHS health and wellbeing day, are asked to bring, and wear a face covering while inside the building.

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