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Healthier Futures Fund Winners

Thousands to benefit from grassroots-led health and wellbeing services thanks to cut of £2m Healthier Futures Fund
Nine local voluntary and community groups have been awarded a share of £2 million by NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, to deliver projects that will improve the health and wellbeing of local people.
Launched in March 2023, the Healthier Futures Fund has given local voluntary and community groups the opportunity to bid for funding to tackle key health and wellbeing challenges within their communities, and address health inequalities. Successful applicants for this second and final round of funding include the opening of a personalised eating disorder support centre, green social prescribing sessions for those experiencing frailty, complex health conditions and recovering from illness, and a sports programme that supports young people aged 10-16 with a focus on positive mental health.
The Fund has been supported by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation, which managed the grant process on behalf of NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.
Nicky Ward, Director of Strategy and Development at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, said: “A huge congratulations to those receiving a share of the £2m fund! We’re excited to see the positive impact this funding will have on the lives and wellbeing of local people.
"The voluntary and community sector plays a crucial role in supporting local people's health and wellbeing. We’re proud to be able to invest in this vital work through our Healthier Futures Fund, which has now supported 21 local projects in total.
“Just like in the first round, the dedication and expertise evident in the applications were truly commendable; reflecting a high level of commitment and enthusiasm to tackling health inequalities in our area. We want to thank all those who applied.”
John Rooke, Managing Director of the North Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Care Partnership, said: “The successful applicants’ sound knowledge and experience of working with local people, voluntary and community organisations showed how dedicated they are to tackling health inequalities. They have evidenced how they help their communities’ voices to be heard, by shaping services that cater for their needs. We look forward to working with them in the future.”
Heather Noble, Managing Director of the Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership, added: “Community-driven initiatives in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have the power of local knowledge in promoting positive health and wellbeing lifestyles. By learning from their community’s firsthand experiences, recipients of Healthier Futures funding can address specific needs, leading to a proactive approach to health that benefits the entire community. Congratulations to all the winners.”
Projects awarded as part of the second and final round include:
- Boxing Futures - Supporting vulnerable young people to care and control of their health by tackling their mental health, isolation, and anti-social behaviour through non-contact boxing, with a focus on areas of deprivation around Peterborough.
- Cambridge United Youth & Community Trust – Expanding the service and geographical reach of two existing programmes Forever United, which supports older people to get active and Mind Your Head, to build confidence and wellbeing in children and young people.
- Gatehouse Caring in East Anglia - Running online mindfulness and breathing programmes to improve outcomes for later life and carers with, or at risk from cardiovascular disease.
- Little Miracles CIO (Peterborough) - Empowering families with children who have additional needs, disabilities or life-limiting conditions with free and accessible support including mental health check-ins, counselling, wellbeing activities and workshops.
- Living Sport - Running the Twilight Youth Sport Project, a youth voice centred physical activity/sports programme which engages young people aged 10-16 with a focus on positive mental health.
- Personalised Eating Disorders Charity CIO – Opening a personalised eating disorder support centre, bringing together prevention, early intervention, training and education services.
- Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) – Developing and running green social prescribing sessions for local people experiencing frailty, complex health conditions and recovering from illness, including practical sessions such as tree planting, “travel buddy” supported active travel activities and green gardening.
- The Netherhall School & Sixth Form Centre – Funding the activities of the OMG Centre, which aims to improve the mental/emotional well-being of young people aged 11-18 in Cambridgeshire with an emphasis on early intervention, comprehensive support systems, inclusivity and accessibility.
- The Sporting Memories Foundation – Delivering weekly activities to the local communities of Cambridge, Ely and Whittlesey targeting frail isolated older people 50+ living with conditions such as dementia, depression, and loneliness.
The final panel was made up of representatives from voluntary organisations, local authority, public health, and the NHS.
Cambridgeshire Community Foundation is the charity for Cambridgeshire, working towards a better quality of life for people across the county. It identifies the most critical needs of local communities, raises funds and awards grants to non-profit organisations that make a big impact in addressing those needs.