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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
Healthwatch Summit

Book your free place at Healthwatch in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s ‘Championing Access” event this summer.
This year the spotlight is on equal access to health and care and on the big changes to how services are working.
Health and care services are under huge pressure and are working hard to meet the needs of local people.
But we know that older and disabled people, carers and those with limited or no internet access, can find it harder to get the care they need. And people from our poorer communities are dying ten years earlier than their richer neighbours.
Find out how services are changing by working together. And what’s being done to help make care more equal for everyone.
You'll get an opportunity to share your ideas and experiences and have your say on local services.
Everyone is welcome at our friendly, free in-person event. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided.
The event will be held on Thursday 7 July, 10am to 3pm at the KingsGate Centre, 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, Peterborough, PE1 4YT
- Healthwatch - Your Health and Care summit flyer.pdf[pdf] 2MB
- Healthwatch Summit 2022 - Easy read invitation.pdf[pdf] 585KB
Find out more and book your place on the HealthWatch Cambridgeshire or Peterborough websites.
You can also call 0330 355 1285 (local call rate) or text 0752 0635 176