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HSJ shortlists local projects

Partners from across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System have been recognised nationally, with six brilliant initiatives shortlisted for the prestigious HSJ awards. The HSJ Awards announced their shortlist this week, after a highly competitive process where a record breaking 1,456 projects were submitted.
Shortlisted in the ‘Data Driven Transformation’ category is the Call Before You Convey service, which gives ambulance crews the option of calling a dedicated helpline when they attend a person in the community who may be better looked after by a service other than A&E. Working together with a team of experienced health professionals, they can get the person to the right service quickly, helping them stay well closer to their local community where possible.
Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundation Trust’s work on REVERT, the Reversible Dementia Project, has been shortlisted in the category ‘Acute Sector Innovation of the Year’. The trust has also been shortlisted in the category ‘Patient Safety Award’ for their outpatient department’s nursing team’s work to manage acutely ill patients in the outpatient setting.
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (NWAngliaFT)’s partnership with Hexarad on digitising out of hours radiology services at Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital is a finalist in the category ‘Modernising Diagnostics Award’, whilst Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) has been shortlisted in the category ‘Primary and Community Care Innovation of the Year’ for their Relational Emotional Difficulties Service (REDS).
Congratulations also go to Fullscope, Cantab PCN, Cam Medical PCN and Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership for the Single Session Thinking initiative. The initiative, which supports children and young people with their mental health, has been shortlisted for the Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People Award. Meanwhile East Cambridgeshire’s Integrated Neighbourhood Team’s Winter Wellness Project has been shortlisted in the Provider Collaboration of the Year category.
The winners will be announced during at the awards ceremony in London on 16 November 2023.