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Brampton Hub funding

In partnership with, and the support of Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), Brampton Hub has initiated their Health Inequalities Project, funded through Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System.
Brampton Hub, a community support organisation run by volunteers, has been awarded a further £7,250 to to tackle young people’s mental health issues. The funding will be used for a youth counselling service for 14 to 18 year old’s provided by young people counselling specialists, A Mindful Paws, in conjunction with Alconbury and Brampton Surgery.
Part of this grant will enable the Hub to pay towards a Youth Worker, with mental health training, to work within Brampton Youth Club. Brampton Hub contract Sports Connections Foundation (SCF) to run a Youth Club with volunteer support. The Club launched in September 2022, and offers a vital space for young people to connect and have fun together and has been a resounding success, and is already at maximum capacity with 40 young people attending weekly. The Hub and the Parish Council are actively seeking a resolution to be able to accommodate more young people at weekly sessions.
Chairman of Brampton Community Hub, Peter Menczer, said: “This project shows the power of different organisations, with different skills, linking up to deliver vitally needed health and wellbeing related services.
“Spending relatively small amounts of money today on young people’s mental health issues will save huge amounts of expenditure later in life.”
Executive Councillor for Community and Health, Cllr Ben Pitt, said: “One of HDC's key priorities is to improve the quality of life for local people, and the work Brampton Hub is doing aligns perfectly to this.
“The Hub is offering vital services to support young people's health and wellbeing, whilst connecting with local professionals to ensure the offer is both beneficial and valuable. This project is so important to ensure our young residents are getting the support they need.
“I encourage residents to get involved with Brampton Hub, and if you know of young people in the area, to signpost them towards this fantastic service, by emailing clerk@bramptonpc.co.uk.”
Find out more about the Health Inequalities Project on the council’s website.