Not too late to get vaccinated | News and events


Not too late to get vaccinated

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The local NHS are reminding people that there is still time to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, the number of people visiting their GPs, contacting NHS 111 and going into hospital with flu or COVID-19 has increased over the festive season, adding to the pressures on the health system locally.

Dr Fiona Head, Chief Medical Officer at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and a local GP, said:

“If you’re eligible for your flu or COVID-19 vaccination but haven’t yet taken up the opportunity to get vaccinated, I would encourage you to book your vaccination in as soon as possible.

“We know that both flu and COVID-19 are circulating in our local communities right now, and vaccinations are your best protection against the worst effects of these illnesses. Many of our local pharmacies are offering these important vaccinations, and you can also book online via the National Booking Service.”

People who are eligible for a free flu vaccination include people aged 50 and over, people who are pregnant and those with certain health conditions who are more likely to get severe infections.

Dr Head added:

“I would also encourage you to follow advice on how to stay well at home. Keep up to date with your vaccinations and take simple steps like washing your hands regularly. In case you do become unwell with an infection like COVID-19 or flu , keep common medicines like paracetamol at home. If you do have a fever or sickness bug stay home to cut down the risk of spreading the infection and if you do need to go out and mix with people, consider wearing a face mask. By taking these steps we can help to reduce the spread of winter bugs, keeping more people well and ensure those in greatest need of NHS support are able to access it as quickly as possible.”

Find out more about how to book your flu or COVID-19 vaccination online here:

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