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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
Easter care

People living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are being asked to follow three easy steps to look after their health and wellbeing this Easter.
Whilst many people have time off over Easter, local NHS staff will still be working hard to support people to get the right help, in the right place at the right time over the bank holiday weekend.
Local NHS organisation, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is asking people to follow three easy steps to look after their health and wellbeing this Easter bank holiday weekend to ensure those most in need of medical attention can access it promptly.
The first thing people are asked to do is to order their repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure they have all of the medication they need for the bank holiday weekend. Over 550 people requested emergency repeat prescriptions over the Easter bank holiday weekend last year alone, which adds extra pressure onto already busy NHS services.
The second thing people are encouraged to do it to stock up on essential medicines so that they can treat a range of common conditions in their own homes. These include paracetamol, cough and cold remedies, and upset stomach treatments, which are available at a low cost at most supermarkets and pharmacies.
The third and final thing is to download the NHS App. People can check their symptoms via the App and get advice on how to care for themselves at home, or how and where to find NHS treatment that’s right.
Dr Gary Howsam, local GP and Chair of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG, said:
“I would like to thank everyone who has been using the right services for their care so far this year – for example by calling NHS 111 or visiting 111.nhs.uk, visiting our Minor Injury Units or Urgent Treatment Centre when they’ve needed urgent care or by speaking to their local Pharmacist.
“The NHS is working hard to ensure that those most in need of urgent and emergency care get the help they need over the Easter bank holiday weekend, which is why we’re encouraging people to take three simple steps in advance of the Easter weekend. The first is to order any repeat prescriptions in good time ahead of the bank holiday weekend. The second is to stock up your own medicine cabinet with the essentials, such as paracetamol and upset stomach treatments, and finally to download the NHS App which contains a wealth of information about how to care for a range of conditions. This includes advice about where to go for medical help if required.”
“By following these three simple steps we can all ensure that those in the greatest need of medical help this bank holiday weekend can access it as quickly as possible.”
There is a wide range of NHS service available to local people over the Easter bank holiday weekend including NHS 111 on the telephone and online, local pharmacies, and our Minor Injury Units and Urgent Treatment Centres. You can find out more about what is available in our area here: https://www.cambridgeshireandpeterboroughccg.nhs.uk/your-health-and-services/whats-open-easter-2022/