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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
Lung checks launched

Targeted Lung Health Checks have been launched in Peterborough as part of the NHS Long-Term Plan ambition that by 2028, 75% of all cancers will be diagnosed at an early stage.
The checks are a partnership between Thistlemoor Medical Practice, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS), North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust and the provider InHealth. Thistlemoor Medical Practice in Peterborough has a CT van located on their site, and 250 people aged between 55 and 74 who have ever smoked have been invited for an initial assessment. Those at higher risk of lung cancer are invited to have a low dose CT scan. If the scan detects something that requires further investigation, the individual will be referred onto the local NHS for care. Lung Health Checks help find problems earlier, often before people may notice anything is wrong and at a stage when treatment can be simpler and more successful, saving lives.
Although the start of the checks is in Peterborough, work is being carried out on how to expand these checks for people living across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Dr Neil Modha, GP partner at Thistlemoor Medical Practice said, “I’m delighted we are part of the targeted lung health checks, and that our practice is the first in the county to offer local people this service. I hope many local people will benefit from this and early problems will be picked up and addressed.
“Please do contact your GP practice if you have signs that could suggest lung cancer - such as coughing up blood, unintentional weight loss and worsening shortness of breath without a known cause.”
Dr Stuti Mukherjee, Clinical Lead for Cancer at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS), said, “Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK, so I’m pleased we’ve started rolling out this national programme in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The programme is part of one of the ICS’ key priorities of promoting early intervention and prevention measures to improve wellbeing.
“Even if you quit smoking a long time ago and feel you have no symptoms, you might still be at an increased risk of lung cancer, and I’d very much encourage you to take up the offer of this targeted lung health check.”
For more information about lung cancer symptoms please visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/lung-cancer/symptoms/