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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 9th-15th May. Partner Organisations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have joined together to remind residents what great mental health support is available locally if you or someone you care for is struggling in anyway with their mental health and wellbeing.
One in four people across the country will experience a mental health problem in any given year. Mental health problems and illnesses include anxiety, depression, addiction, personality disorders and psychosis. Experiencing a mental health problem can be upsetting and very frightening. It is important to know you are not alone and that there are a wide range of services and support available to you. These include online support and information services, helplines, talking therapies, counselling and crisis mental health support, as well as specialist mental health care.
Dr Emma Tiffin, GP and Clinical Lead for Adult Mental Health, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG, said, “It's been a difficult few years and as we get back to our familiar routine after the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us still feel anxious, isolated or need a helping hand with our mental health.
“No one has to suffer alone. There are a wide range of local services and support available including locally run organisations with websites such as www.keep-your-head.com which is packed full of advice and tips on how to improve your mental health and information on local services that really can make a difference.
“You can also talk to your GP who can help advise you on how to manage your symptoms and talk to you about available treatments and support.”
Jyoti Atri, Director of Public Health in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire, said, “We are determined to make sure nobody feels alone if they are suffering with their mental health.
“I would encourage anyone who is struggling – or who just needs someone to talk to – to reach out. There are many wonderful people ready and willing to help, and by taking the first step you can begin the recovery process sooner.
“We’re fortunate locally to have many different support services available, including Lifeline, H.A.Y and the crisis service of 111 option 2. Details of all of those are below and I would urge people to check them out and use the services if needed.”
This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is loneliness and now that the government’s COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed, you may be thinking about venturing out and about more which can be daunting. However, there are lots of opportunities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to meet new people in relaxed and welcoming environments, such as the Good Mood Cafes that are running across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Aly Anderson, CEO of CPSL Mind, adds: “We recognise that feeling connected to and valued by other people is fundamental to maintaining positive wellbeing. This underpins our Good Life Service which provides connection and support across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”
“In particular, anyone can drop into our weekly Good Mood Cafes, which are available at locations across Cambridgeshire and South Lincolnshire. They provide connection with others and the opportunity to share skills, strengths and interests.”
“These cafe events are free to access, and our friendly team always provides a warm welcome as well as introductions others.”
For more information on finding a ‘Good Mood Cafe’ near you visit: www.cpslmind.org.uk/how-we-help/good-life-service/good-mood-cafes
Wellbeing and mental health support services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough:
- Keep Your Head www.keep-your-head.com website provides information on mental health and wellbeing support available for young people and adults across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
- How Are You (H.A.Y.) www.haycambspboro.co.uk is a local website that brings together information on activities and support available in your local community to help boost mental health and wellbeing.
- Lifeline – www.lifecraft.org.uk - Free, confidential helpline that you can call anonymously to talk to a trained volunteer. Lifeline is available daily 11am-11pm, and can be reached by calling 0808 808 2121.
- Mind - CPSLMind, www.cpslmind.org.uk - A mental health charity providing a range of services and support for people suffering with mental health problems and promote positive mental health across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
- Qwell and Kooth - Free online wellbeing services offering chat-based counselling, peer support and self-help. www.qwell.io – for ages 18+ www.kooth.com – for ages 11-25
- Crisis support – NHS 111 Option 2 - If you feel you are in a mental health crisis, urgent support is available in our area 24/7 through 111. Simply dial 111 and select option 2. You will be put through to a trained advisor who will speak to you and discuss your current mental health needs.
- Psychological Wellbeing Service - Psychological therapy for mild to moderate depression or anxiety for anyone aged 17+. You do not need a diagnosis to access the service and can self-refer by visiting www.cpft.nhs.uk/psychological-wellbeing-service
Other useful resources include:
- Every Mind Matters – advice and practical tips to help improve your wellbeing
- Samaritans – support and someone to talk to
- Anxiety UK – information and support for sufferers
- It’s Good to Talk – details of counsellors and psychotherapists
- Rethink – support for sufferers of severe mental illness and their carers
- Sane – out of hours helpline providing support and information
- Mind – information and materials on depression and manic depression.