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Royston vaccine clinics

Two specialist walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics are coming to Royston Hospital next week, where it’ll host one quiet clinic for anyone with extra access needs and another for anyone who is pregnant.
The NHS in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough are holding the quiet clinic on Monday 15 January from 9am to 12pm. This clinic is for anyone eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination who may benefit from a more supportive, quieter space and longer appointment time. The clinic is tailored to meet the needs of anyone who might find it difficult to access a standard vaccination clinic – including people with needle phobias, people with anxiety, people with a learning disability, autistic people or people who are neurodiverse.
Another vaccination clinic for people who are pregnant is being held on Tuesday 16 January from 9am to 12pm. Anyone who wants more information about the vaccine can attend, and there’s no obligation to get the vaccination. This clinic can also be used for anyone who is eligible for their COVID-19 vaccinations and has not had it yet.
Cali Makewell, Integrated Vaccination Service Programme Lead, at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Integrated Care System (ICS) said, “These specialist clinics allow people much more time and support to get their COVID-19 vaccinations. The quiet clinic allows us to give their vaccination in a calm environment and to have one nurse per patient to support them throughout. There is no obligation for anyone who come to these walk-in clinics to have their COVID-19 vaccination.”
Royston Hospital is located at London Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9EN.
For more information about vaccinations in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, please visit https://www.cpics.org.uk/the-vaccinators