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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
STOP Suicide Campaign

CPSL Mind, our mental health charity partners have launched a new campaign ‘I’d Ask, Would You?' which calls on people across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough to sign up for community suicide prevention talks and workshops so that they can ask directly when someone might be having suicidal thoughts.
STOP Suicide seeks to empower ordinary people to spot warning signs in those around them whether that’s a family member, colleague, neighbour or stranger – being alert to key signs and helping those who are feeling suicidal stay safe. There’s no evidence that asking directly about suicide causes anyone to act on suicidal thoughts, but there is evidence that asking saves lives.
This current campaign highlights the significant impact relationship breakdown has on mental health and experiencing suicidal thoughts. This might include family conflict, loss, including loss of access to children, isolation, domestic abuse and often more than one of these; while research show us that one-third of female suicides could be related to close partner abuse.
Kathy Hartley, Public Health Consultant, says, “Suicide is complex, but we know relationship breakdown in many forms including controlling or violent behaviour can impact hugely on mental health. But, we also see how relieved someone can be when asked about their suicidal thoughts for the first time, it can be the important step towards getting support.”
Isabel Cross, Head of Campaigns and Communication CPSL Mind says, “Suicide prevention is everybody’s business. We should all learn how to spot signs that someone might be having suicidal thoughts. If you think someone might feel trapped in a relationship or is experiencing emotions like hopelessness or despair, it’s time to say something.”
Isabel goes on to add, “Asking directly about suicide can begin a conversation which saves a person’s life. We want to make sure that individuals and organisations in our community are confident in doing this.”
A series of open, free-to-attend STOP Suicide training workshops will be hosted throughout the year by CPSL Mind, providing an opportunity for members of the local community to equip themselves with the knowledge to save lives. In addition, courses will equip pharmacy staff and volunteers working with domestic abuse charities and organisations.
Find out more about helplines, free-to-access STOP Suicide talks, workshops, resources at www.stopsuicidepledge.org