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Our NHS services are under significant pressure...
Student career expo

Last week, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) held an exciting new Career Expo where over 1,200 Year 10 students attended over 12 and 13 March.
The Career Expo was designed to encourage young people into careers within health and care. Students had the chance to speak to a wide range of health and care staff and providers, specialising in different areas of the sector, whilst also testing how steady their hands were on a life size version of the classic game Operation, making their own smoothie by jumping onto bikes, and experiencing work in health and care via virtual reality headsets.
Claudia Iton, Chief People Officer at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of the ICS, said:
“It was wonderful to see so many students get involved and eager to find out more about the roles within the sectors and to see their teachers' surprise and pleasure at how engaged they were.
“We would all like to say a big thank you to the workforce team for arranging the Careers expo and both the schools and providers who came along to support at the event.”
The feedback from students and teachers has been positive following their visit, by gaining vital information on the careers available, participating in activities and attending lectures.
You can visit the new workforce website at Home - C&P ICS Careers (candphealthandcarejobs.co.uk) to find out more.