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Tips to cope in January

The first few weeks of the new year can be a tricky time for our mental health. Whether we feel pressured to make ambitious new year’s resolutions or are feeling lonely after getting together with family and loved ones over the holidays, getting through the cold, dark days of January is not always easy. So our clinical lead for mental health, Dr Emma Tiffin, is sharing her top tips to help you stay mentally well during January.
During January we tend to hear a lot of talk about ‘new year, me’. Whilst new year’s resolutions are made with the best of intentions, they can make us feel like we’d not been doing well enough previously. If you do make any new year’s resolutions, Dr Tiffin recommends focusing them on things that make you happy and give you positive energy. For example, think about planning to speak to friends and loved ones more often, or about trying a new hobby in the new year.
Another top tip to look after your wellbeing this January is to limit your use of social media if you feel this is helpful. People tend to present a rosier picture of themselves and their lives on their social media channels, so by spending lots of time on social media we risk comparing our own, imperfect lives to the seemingly brilliant experiences of those we follow online.
You can also support your wellbeing by taking a moment to get outside, even for a minute or ten, particularly on bright days – as a nice stroll in the sun can boost your mental health.
Dr Tiffin said: “January can be a difficult month as it is, so I'd encourage everyone in our area not to feel pressured to make big new year’s commitments to change our lives or lifestyles. Rather than making a sweeping new year’s resolution, think about what would make you happier in 2024 – whether that’s by talking to your loved ones a little more, picking up a new hobby, or reducing your social media activity.
“Try to get out in the sun on brighter days, and remember that January is just another month like any other.”
If you feel you need help or advice with your mental health, please visit www.keep-your-head.com to find support near you, or contact your GP practice to discuss your concerns.