Palliative Care
Palliative and End of Life care
Arthur Rank Hospice Charity - 01223 675777
Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice - 01733 225900
Sue Ryder St John's Hospice - 01767 642410
Palliative Care Adult Network Guidelines
East Anglia's Children's Hospices - 0808 196 9495 (symptom management team)
National updates
- National Institute for Health and Care Research Collection on End of Life Care published March 2022
- NHS England universal-principles-for-advance-care-planning.pdf ( published March 2022
- NHS England Renewing our ambitions for palliative and end of life care blog May 2021 - external site
- Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: A national framework for local action 2021-2026
Palliative Care Hub - 111 Option 4
This 24 hour service provides advice and guidance regarding accessing care and appropriate services for adult patients living with a life-limiting illness in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough aiming to support patients to remain in their preferred place of care.
Patients, their friends, family, and health and social care team can access the FREE service by calling 111 option 4.
Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialists are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For further information visit Palliative Care Hub 111 - Arthur Rank Hospice Charity (
Pharmacy Emergency Palliative Medicines Service
A number of community pharmacies have been commissioned to hold stock of palliative and end of life care medicines for urgent or emergency supply when the patient's usual or nominated pharmacy is closed or out of stock of the required medicine.
- Steps to accessing FP10 medication Accessing End of Life Medicines on an FP10 Prescription ICB
- Service Poster ICS Community Pharmacy Palliative Care Drugs Emergency Stock
- Participating pharmacies contact details and regular opening hours Palliative Pharmacy Opening Hours
- Palliative Care Pharmacy Stockists Spring Bank Holiday Opening Hours 2024 (27 May 2024)
- Pharmacy Palliative Care Stock List (December 2022)
- CPPE Palliative Care Gateway page - external site (opens new window)
Bereavement resources
The information leaflet below lists the main services across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area and national organisations that offer support for people who have lost a loved one.
Bereavement Support in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Jan 23
Dashboard and data sharing (VISTA)
Our new regional Palliative Care Support Pathway solution is now on your Eclipse home page and within the Eclipse Vista Pathway Module. The CCG Palliative Care Team has been working with the Eclipse team to enable our local requirements and priorities related to this vulnerable patient cohort to be built into this pathway. These requirements include the identification and implementation support of actions for patients in the following priority groups:
- Patients on Palliative Care with GSF Stage D - Red
- Patients on Palliative Care with GSF Stage C - Yellow
- Patients on Palliative Care with GSF Stage B - Green
- Patients on Palliative Care with GSF Stage A - Blue
- Patients on Palliative Care without Care Plan
- Patients on Palliative Care without Anticipatory Meds
- Patients on Palliative Care without Resuscitation Status recorded
- Patients on Palliative Care without Carer Support
- Patients on Palliative Care without Preferred Place of Death
- Patients on Palliative Care without Preferred Place of Care
- Patients on Palliative Care without Informal Carer
- Patients on Palliative Care without ReSPECT form completed
In common with the wider Eclipse Service this pathway module is not intended to be a replacement for your Practice Core Clinical System. Its primary objective is to support Practices, PCNs and our Regional Team to rapidly identify priorities and efficiently implement calls to action for these vulnerable patients. Ultimately helping to enhance both care and outcomes for this group.
As many of you will know the Eclipse platform uses regular (weekly at a minimum) data extractions from clinical systems. While there will always be differentials between datasets and systems driven by upload timings, regularity, and coding consistency your help in optimising data extraction activities, quality of coding and minimising data opt outs will be invaluable. Both our central team and the Eclipse team are happy to help as much as possible.
Please find a step-by-step guide to navigating and using the Palliative Vista Pathway below.
The Eclipse Support team can be contacted via and we will be setting up specific training sessions.
VISTA Pathways Patients on Palliative Care User Guide (Feb 2022)
Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy (PEOLC) 2018-21
Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT)
This section is intended for health care professionals who wish to have more information about the Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment, otherwise known as ReSPECT.
ReSPECT is explained by Dr Zoe Fritz and Dr Stephen Barclay in further detail through a series of videos below.
To watch all the videos below in succession click on the playlist.
- What is ReSPECT for?
- Who is ReSPECT for?
- What other documentation fits in with ReSPECT?
- How time consuming is the ReSPECT process?
- How much is ReSPECT being used nationally?
- Why is a change from DNACPR needed?
- What is the legal framework around ReSPECT?
Further useful resources for public and health care professionals - external sites
GP Mythbuster 105: Do not attempt cardiopulmnary resuscitiation (DNACPR) - CQC (external link)
Talking about dying 2021: How to begin honest conversations about what lies ahead - Royal College of Physicians
CPR Decisions, DNACPR and ReSPECT - Resuscitation Council UK (external link)
ReSPECT for Patients and Carers - Resuscitation Council UK (external link)
ReSPECT Resources including - Resuscitation Council UK (external link)
- ReSPECT Information for Families
- ReSPECT Patient Guide
- ReSPECT Patient Guide - Young People
- ReSPECT Easy Read Guide: Leaflet 1 - Introduction
- ReSPECT Easy Read Guide: Leaflet 2 - Making choices
- ReSPECT Easy Read Guide: Leaflet 3 - Making a ReSPECT Plan
- ReSPECT Easy Read Guide: Leaflet 4 - Two stories - Mark and John
- ReSPECT Easy Read Guide: Leaflet 5 - Further information
- ReSPECT Guide for Clinicians Completing the Form
- Top 10 Tips for GPs
- Information for Care Homes
- COVID ReSPECT Guidance
- ReSPECT A4 Leaflet
- RED MAP Guide PDF.pdf [pdf] 743KB
- ReSPECT plan PDF.pdf [pdf] 176KB
- 20220729 ReSPECT poster PDF.pdf[pdf] 339KB
- 20220729 ReSPECT person leaflet PDF.pdf[pdf] 687KB