Estates strategy launched

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System’s (ICS) first ever Estates Strategy has been formally approved and launched today (Friday 10 March 2023).
The ICS team worked in partnership with NHS Property Services (NHSPS) to develop the strategy, and focuses on:
Transforming Places and Spaces to deliver our Health & Wellbeing Integrated Care Strategy ambitions.
Making best use of the existing estate and making sound investments where capital is available.
Making the estate more efficient and releasing under-performing assets – both clinical and non-clinical – to reduce revenue costs and releasing capital for reinvestment.
Improving the quality of estate data to help us make insightful decisions on our shared estate both now and in the future.
The strategy is designed to consider the current population needs of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, alongside how the estate the ICS holds will need to change in the future to meet the current and future requirements of our population.
Kit Connick, Chief Officer Partnership & Strategy, explains:
“Our future aspirations need to be underpinned by a robust, yet innovative, Estates Strategy that provides us with the foundation we need to deliver outstanding health and care services both now and in the future.
“We know that the needs of our population will continue to change over time, and how we work as a health and care system will evolve too. It is vital that we have the right estates infrastructure underpinning this, and a clear plan of how it will need to evolve in the future.
“Our Estates Strategy is an exciting first step in this process, and one we will return to regularly to test our plans and nuance our strategy further to ensure that our estates are an enabler of change and supporter of excellent patient care.”
Martin Steele, CEO at NHS Property Services, said:
“We are proud to have helped Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS define their new Estates Strategy, providing them with the expertise to make informed, data-driven decisions and ensuring they have the right infrastructure in place to allow them to continue to deliver excellent patient care.”
“Working proactively to build strong relationships with our NHS colleagues means we can better understand their individual needs and how we can best work together to shape future estates projects, helping to tackle some of the wider issues facing the NHS such as health inequalities and care backlogs. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the team and sharing our expertise across the wider NHS as we put our customers and their patients at the heart of everything we do."
Here you can read our 03.1a - Summary version of ICS Estates Strategy[pdf] 3MB to find out more about our first Estates Strategy,