Grant for Community Groups

In partnership with Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), Hail Weston Parish Council has launched their Health Inequalities Project, funded through Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System.
Hail Weston Parish Council, one of the 15 groups working on the Health Inequalities Project, have been awarded a further £3,200, after completing a consultation within the village, asking residents what they would like to see in their local area to address health needs. Hail Weston will be offering a range of activities, delivered by the One Leisure Active Lifestyles Team, throughout 2023. The activities will include; Strength and Balance, Boccia and Kurling, Stretch and Relax, Older Adult Circuits, Summer Sports and Walking Sports.
Additionally, the younger residents in the village will soon enjoy activities including Forest School and craft sessions during the holidays. These will provide learner inspired, hands-on experiences in the natural environment. Activities will be creative and aim to increase a child's confidence as they problem-solve and learn to manage risks.
The project began in March, with a Strength and Balance class at Hail Weston Village Hall delivered by the One Leisure Active Lifestyles Team. The class will run weekly on Mondays 2.00pm – 3.00pm until 24 April 2023, free of charge to attendees.
Clerk to Hail Weston Parish Council, Jennifer Abell, said: “Hail Weston Parish Council is proud to have collaborated with HDC for the first time, by providing a suite of free activities for our adult and younger residents as a result of this funding.
“Hail Weston residents told us they love our rural setting and felt activities for all ages would best improve their health and well-being. Over half of the residents mentioned that being able to attend easily without transport and supporting their village hall were key to participation.
“So far the uptake has surpassed all expectations, the feedback is positively contagious among residents and the Active Lifestyles Team has been super throughout from planning the sessions to delivery nearly four weeks ago.
“We look forward to working with our residents to shape the future type of activity that continues best to support residents health and well-being. Please contact for booking or see further info here.”
Executive Councillor for Community and Health, Cllr Ben Pitt, said: “I’m thrilled to see further physical activity opportunities becoming readily available to residents across the District.
“At HDC we are committed to improving the happiness and well-being of residents, and we're always on the lookout for innovative ways to achieve this. Hail Weston Parish Councils project is an exceptional example of this happening first hand.
“We want the highest possible quality of life for the people of Huntingdonshire by supporting social connections, communities and good health.”
Kit Connick, Chief Officer of Strategy and Partnerships at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, said: “We’re pleased to fund this brilliant initiative which gives local people the opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing close to home.
“These exciting new classes have been set up as a direct result of feedback from the community – a great example of local people shaping how we deliver health and care services as a partnership.”
Find out more about the Health Inequalities Project on the council’s website.