New NHS gambling service

A free NHS service has been launched to offer specialist treatment and support to people in the East of England who are struggling with a gambling problem.
The East of England Gambling Service is run by Central and North West London (CNWL) NHS Foundation Trust, which has over 15 years’ of experience providing pioneering NHS gambling treatment across the UK. The team providing the service includes lived experience peer support workers, psychologists, therapists, nurses and psychiatrists.
The East of England Gambling Service, provides an assessment, specialist therapies, treatment and support to individuals and families affected by gambling addiction and gambling problems in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and also covers the rest of the East of England.
Most support will be provided through virtual treatment or in some cases face-to-face treatment. Further support and advice will be available to family members and carers, alongside advice and support from other agencies and services to ensure the most appropriate help is given.
The service is available to adults aged 18 and over, individually, as a couple or as a family who want to change the impact gambling is having on them. To access this service, please fill out this referral form, If you have any questions or need additional support, do contact the service either via their email address or by phoning: 01908 724287 or visit the website.
There is also a digital flyer that can be downloaded here:
East of England Gambling Service Leaflet v2 [pdf] 290KB