First Warm Hubs open | What's Happening Blog


First Warm Hubs open

Warm hubs open

Operating at the heart of local communities, the Warm Hubs concept has been designed to offer warm, friendly and inclusive places with access to light refreshments. Hubs also provide residents with somewhere to socialise, take part in activities and receive information on how to reduce bills, access financial support, and stay healthy and well.

The activities and services available at Warm Hubs are operated by trained volunteers from within the local area who are individuals who understand the needs of the local communities.

The new initiative has been developed by South and East Cambridgeshire District Councils, with support from the ICS. The Warm Hubs are coordinated by Cambridgeshire ACRE – the charity dedicated to supporting and strengthening rural communities across Cambridgeshire.

Kit Connick, our Chief Officer of Strategy and Partnerships, said: “Helping people to stay well this winter is a priority for us all this year, which is why we are pleased to support Warm Hubs across East and South Cambridgeshire and beyond.

“Working together, with our council and voluntary sector partners, these hubs will be spaces for people to come together; not just as a warm space this winter, but to provide support and advice on a range of matters, including advice on their health and wellbeing, in a welcoming, friendly community atmosphere.”

Warm Hubs are running from November 2022 to support local residents during the winter and will be open until the end of March 2023. More information can be found on the dedicated web pages:

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