Challenge Prize 2023 launches | What's Happening Blog


Challenge Prize 2023 launches

Health Inequalities Challenge Prize logo.

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) has announced the launch of the Health Inequalities Challenge Prize 2023, following on from its inaugural year’s success. This year’s contenders will have a shot at winning up to £24,000 to fund their innovation initiative with support from the Integrated Care System and partner organisations to develop their projects.

The theme for this year’s Challenge Prize is personalised care – giving local people more control over and say in their health and care services. Local organisations as well as individual people can apply for the Challenge Prize to make their exciting, personalised care idea a reality.

As the Challenge Prize is all about reducing health inequalities, applicants are encouraged to focus their projects on helping a specific group of people – whether that’s veterans, people with learning disabilities, or other communities who tend to face barriers when it comes to health and care.

Simon Howard, Head of Culture, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS, said: “Last year’s Health Inequalities Challenge Prize was a great success. We’re excited to relaunch the Prize this year with a strong focus on new ideas that will empower people to lead the lives they want to live. It’s a great opportunity for local organisations to make improvements to people’s lives and reduce inequalities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”

Groups and organisations are invited to apply for the Challenge Prize by 1 May 2023. Twelve finalists will receive £4,000 to support their proposed solution. The winner of the Challenge Prize 2023 will then receive £20,000 to deliver their project. 

Apply here button Michael O'Toole, CEO of Cambridgeshire Community Foundation (CCF), said: “We are really proud to be partnering again with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System on the Health Inequalities Challenge Prize 2023. The increased level of award up to a maximum £20,000 is a great opportunity for innovative ideas to support Personalised Care.

“The focus on the delivery of Personalised Care approaches means community-led projects will be supported to increase opportunities for people to have choice and control over the way their health and care is planned and delivered. Supporting Personalised Care is vitally import for our communities, so if you have a brilliant idea, then please do apply by 1 May 2023.”

Find out how to apply via the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation website. Applications closing on 1 May 2023.  

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