HIV Testing Week | What's Happening Blog


HIV Testing Week

photo of several pairs of hands holding red HIV awareness ribbons

NHS teams are calling on people across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough to join in with HIV Testing Week (6 February – 12 February 2023) by getting their free HIV test done.

According to the latest estimates, over 100,000 people in the United Kingdom live with HIV – with over 5,000 individuals who do not know they are HIV positive.

HIV research has made lots of progress over the last few decades, and there are now very effective drug treatments that enable most people living with HIV to live a long and healthy life. It’s better to get treatment as soon as possible if you have HIV, as this improves your chances of controlling the virus and reduces the risk of transmitting the virus onto others. So during HIV Testing Week, we can all do our part to stop HIV and protect ourselves and our partners by getting tested.

Anyone in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough aged 16 and over who doesn’t currently have symptoms of a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) can order a free home test kit through iCaSH, our area’s sexual health service. You can order your test kit quickly and easily through

If you do have symptoms of an STI at the moment, or if you have questions about the testing process, you can contact iCaSH for advice via 0300 300 3030.

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