It all counts

A little more makes a big difference – that is the message from local health leads who are reminding older people within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough of the importance of good hydration for their health and wellbeing.
The new campaign ‘It All Counts’ focuses on ways in which you can keep hydrated, helping you to stay healthy and prevent common effects of dehydration such as constipation, urine infections, headaches and other illnesses.
It reminds local people that staying hydrated isn’t just about drinking water. Hot drinks, fruit juices, even bowls of soup and other fluid rich foods such as yoghurts, jelly and ice lollies can all help keep you hydrated – it all counts.
Carol Anderson, Chief Nursing Officer, NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough said “Hydration is key to good health. We know that for many people water may not be the drink of choice, so we wanted to raise awareness of alternative easy ways to stay hydrated that can be part of your daily activities.
“So whether that is having a glass of juice at breakfast, extra milk on your cereal, having soup or a yoghurt with your lunch or enjoying an ice lolly whilst out in the garden – all of these drinks or fluid rich foods can help keep you hydrated throughout the day.”
The recommended minimum amount of fluid intake for an adult is between 1,600 and 2,000 mls (3-3.5 pints) – which is around eight glasses or mugs of fluid per day. All fluids count apart from alcohol, which can actually cause dehydration.
Carol added “Dehydration can lead to serious illnesses or even hospital admission. Most people get dehydrated by not drinking enough fluids, or by losing fluids and not replacing them. Signs of dehydration to be aware of include headaches, feeling light headed, tiredness, dark strong smelling wee or finding it hard to concentrate.”
“And for those taking regular medicine, it’s important to take with a full glass of water to help wash them down and ensure they are absorbed as intended. Always ask your pharmacist for advice if you are unsure on how you should take your medicine.”
Local people and communities can find out more about the importance and ways to keep hydrated at new dedicated webpage