Public meetings in Sutton

People in Sutton and nearby villages are being called on to help shape their primary care services as part of the local NHS’ commitment to working alongside the community to improve healthcare services for the future.
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is holding two public meetings next week, one online and another face to face, and is encouraging local people to attend to share their feedback and suggestions on what is most important to the local community, and how we can look to shape services to meet local needs.
The first of the two meetings will take place online, on Tuesday 27 June from 5.30pm to 7pm via MS Teams.
The second is a face-to-face workshop that will take place during the day at Brooklands Village Hall in Sutton on Wednesday 28 June, from 10.30am until 12.30pm.
In April, Malling Health became the interim contract holder to provide primary care services to the patients of Priors Field Surgery in Sutton. Since then, NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has continued to look into the future of local services to ensure Sutton and the surrounding areas have primary care services that meet the local community’s needs now, and in the future.
Dr Gary Howsam, Interim Chief Clinical Improvement Officer at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, said: “We’re looking forward to meeting with the people of Sutton and nearby villages to continue our conversation about how we can work together to develop sustainable primary care services locally.
“We understand how important local access to health and care services is to our communities and I want to encourage people to join us at either of the meetings to share their feedback, ideas and suggestions for the future.”
The meetings will also provide an update on the current GP service provision that is being delivered by Malling Health and talk about the work that’s being carried out following previous engagement with the community.
Both meetings are open to all the local community, and there’s no need to book. Please just log in or turn up. Further information can be found at
The link to join the MS Teams meeting is -