Sutton Primary Care services

Priors Field Surgery – Patient meetings UPDATE
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is committed to ensuring all patients have access to high quality GP services and care, now and in the future. We are continuing to work to find a primary care solution that meets the needs of local people.
An additional face to face public meeting to discuss Priors Field Surgery will be held by NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough on Thursday 9 March at 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Sutton Primary School.
The venue of Tuesday’s meeting has also been moved to a larger venue in response to feedback from the local community. This meeting will now take place at Brooklands Village Hall, Sutton at 10am.
All meetings will provide the opportunity for local people to ask any questions about the changes and to discuss how we can work together to consider how primary care services could be delivered in the future for the people of Sutton and the surrounding areas.
Tuesday 7 March 2023
- Public meeting 1: 10am – 11 am, Brooklands Village Hall, Sutton, CB6 2QQ
- Online public meeting 2: Online meeting: 6pm - 7pm, join via online via MS Teams.
Thursday 9 March 2023
- Public meeting 3: Public meeting: 6.30pm – 7.30pm, NEW VENUE St Andrew's Church,High St, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RH
There is no need to book in advance for any of the meetings.