Self care for winter | What's Happening Blog


Self care for winter

Image of family celebrating christmas

Self care is about helping you to better look after the health of you and your family.

There are lots of things you can do to look after your health and wellbeing, throughout the year but particularly over the winter months. Common conditions and minor ailments such as colds and flu, upset stomachs, and aches and pains are generally not a serious health problem for most people. You can easily treat yourself at home, with advice from a local pharmacist.

Medicines cabinet at home

One of the best ways to take care of yourself this winter is to make sure your medicine cabinet is well stocked. Minor conditions such as colds, coughs and sore throats can be easily treated with supplies you can keep at home. It costs as little as £10 to stock your medicine cabinet and it can make a big difference to your health this winter.

We recommend always having the following items at home:

  • Painkillers like ibuprofen and paracetamol
  • Aspirin (should not be taken by children under 12)
  • Antihistamines for allergies
  • Diarrhoea relief
  • Constipation relief
  • Throat lozenges
  • Antacid (such as Rennie)

You should also have a fully-stocked first aid kit with plasters and bandages. All the above are available from your local pharmacy or supermarket at low cost – no prescription or GP appointment required.

Keeping warm

The colder months can also mean an increase in illness and injuries. With the recent cold snap we had, here are some things you can do to keep you and you loved ones warm and healthy:

  • Heat the home: Heat to at least 18°C (65°F) if you can. You might prefer your living room to be slightly warmer.
  • Dress warm: Wear lots of thin layers – clothes made from cotton, wool or fleecy fibres are particularly good at helping to maintain body heat. Wearing multiple layers provides both insulation and flexibility – you can always take the outer layer off.
  • Move a little or a lot: Exercise is good for you all year round, not only will moving more keep you healthy, but it can also keep you warm over the colder winter months. When out and about make sure to wear suitable footwear, to avoid slipping over.
  • Eat and drink well: Regular hot drinks can keep you warm and stay hydrated, a glass or two of water also helps with this.

Be kind to your mind 

Not all health complaints or conditions are physical, our mental health is just as important. There are little things we can all do to help look after our mental health.

Spending quality time with friends or family, talking to someone about how we are feeling or finding ways to help other people can all help stop you from feeling lonely and improve your mental health and wellbeing. Using a free meditation app to help you sleep, relaxing with a board game or jigsaw in the afternoon after lunch or taking ten minutes to grab some fresh air with a short walk can all help.

Search Every Mind Matters for more help to deal with mental health and wellbeing worries.

Download The NHS App 

A simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. You can use it to get health advice using the health A-Z on the NHS websiteget advice about COVID-19, order repeat prescriptions, book appointments, find out what to do when you need help urgently, using NHS 111 online and much more.

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