Well Together This Winter

Local communities will get the support they need to stay Well Together This Winter through a new campaign launched by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS).
The winter months can be a tough time for local people, and this year the impacts of the colder weather may be worsened by the rising cost of living. At the same time the pressures on health and care services tend to increase during the winter, meaning it’s even more important that everyone is supported to stay as well as possible.
That’s why the ICS has launched the Well Together campaign as part of its new winter plan (known as a Surge Plan) to help people get the care they need throughout the colder months.
As part of the Well Together campaign, the ICS will share top tips on how to use the right NHS service at the right time; advice on keeping warm; information about mental health resources and advice on how to access financial support that’s available to help local people cope with the current cost of living. Anyone living, working or studying in the area can visit www.cpics.org.uk/well-together to find out more. For support with household bills and food cost, local people can reach out to Cambridgeshire County Council’s Household Support Fund. More information about this fund is available via Household Support Fund - Cambridgeshire County Council.
Dr Fiona Head, Chief Medical Officer at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough (part of the ICS), commented:
“We know winter can be a difficult time, so we want to make it as easy as possible for people to access the health and care they need. We’re pleased to launch Well Together today, helping our local communities get vital information and support to help them stay well during the colder months.
“Your health and care services will be here to support you throughout winter. At the same time, we want to ask you to do what you can to stay well by taking some very simple steps. This includes getting your COVID-19 and flu jabs if you’re eligible; stocking up on over-the-counter medications like paracetamol; and ordering any repeat prescriptions you may need well before you run out.
“With so many respiratory infections around it is also a good time to consider stopping smoking and to make other positive lifestyle changes that can help you stay well, like managing your weight well and exercising regularly.”
“With your help we can all stay Well Together This Winter.”
Jyoti Atri, Director of Public Health at Cambridgeshire County Council said:
“This excellent campaign really does point to the simple things we can do to stay well during this winter. By following its advice, we can all become more resilient, particularly against those winter respiratory illnesses that can lead to time off work and school and can lead to vulnerable individuals with health conditions becoming hospitalised.
“It is important for people to stay warm during winter as this will help you to stay well. Being cold can increase your risk of heart disease and respiratory infections. If you are concerned about the cost of living and paying your heating bills, please see Cambridgeshire County Council or Peterborough City Council’s advice and information page on this matter. There are local organisations that can help.
“With Christmas around the corner, we also need to think about those people who we know or in our local communities who might be experiencing loneliness. A conversation or even a simple ‘hello’ on the run up to Christmas and the following months can make a huge difference to someone’s mental health and wellbeing.”