Using online NHS services

Use online NHS services
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System is encouraging people across the area to use the range of NHS services that are available online, to get the information they need quickly and easily.
Online tools like, and the NHS app offer a wealth of support and information – from advice on medication to a digital symptom checker. By using digital NHS services to get access to the support we need, we can all do our part to reduce pressures on our NHS.
NHS 111 online
NHS 111 online can be used for anyone aged 5+. The service can be accessed via 24/7, every day of the year. NHS 111 online can help you by giving you advice on your symptoms or injury, and will offer you a call back from a clinical member of staff if required. You can also use NHS 111 online to get information about your medications, and request an emergency prescription if you have completely run out of a medicine you need.
The NHS App is a simple and secure way of accessing NHS services from your smartphone or tablet. Services offered through the NHS App include a digital tool to check your symptoms, appointment booking facilities, and information regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. You can also use the app to order repeat prescriptions in many cases.
The NHS App is available for free via the App Store (for Apple devices) and Google Play (for Android devices). offers information about conditions, symptoms, and treatments, as well as medications. You can also find advice on around healthy living, including support to stop smoking and information about a healthy diet, and support with pregnancy.
If you need an NHS service such as a pharmacy, GP, dentist or urgent treatment centre, you can visit to find the one nearest to you.