Mental health support

Reach out for mental health support when you need it
This World Mental Health Day (10 October) local health leaders across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough are encouraging people of all ages to reach out for support with their mental health if they need it.
One in four adults and one in 10 children experience mental illness, and many more of us know and care for people who do. Mental health problems and illnesses include anxiety, depression, addiction, personality disorders and psychosis.
Dr Emma Tiffin, Mental Health Clinical Lead at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of the ICS, said: “This World Mental Health Day we want to encourage everyone to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling.
“We understand that experiencing a mental health problem can be upsetting and very frightening. It is important to know you are not alone and that there are a wide range of services and support available to you across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”
Local services and support include online support and information services, helplines, talking therapies, counselling and crisis mental health support, as well as specialist mental health care.
Dr Emma Tiffin added: “Please reach out and check in with friends and family too, sometimes a listening ear can make a big difference and help them to find the support they need.”
Mental Health support and services available locally includes:
- Crisis support – call NHS 111 and select the mental health option – Specially trained mental health staff will speak to you and discuss your mental health care needs. This service is available 24/7, 365 days of the year.
- Keep Your Head - - local website with information on mental health and wellbeing services, support and advice available for young people and adults across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
- NHS Talking Therapies - Psychological talking therapy for mild to moderate depression or anxiety for anyone 17+ who can self-refer NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Talking Therapies | CPFT NHS Trust
- How Are You (H.A.Y.) a local website that brings together information on activities and support available in your local community to help boost mental health and wellbeing.
- Lifeline – - Free, confidential helpline that you can call anonymously to talk to a trained volunteer. Lifeline is available daily 11am-11pm and can be reached by calling 0808 808 2121.
- Mind - CPSLMind, - A mental health charity providing a range of services and support for people suffering with mental health problems and promoting positive mental health across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
- Samaritans - - Local and national listening service. Freephone 116 123, open 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Every Mind Matters - NHS ( to find out about support available and practical tips and personalised actions to help stay on top of your mental wellbeing.
Further information on all local services and support can be found on the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS website -